Software Engineer

Experienced senior JavaScript developer with a proven track record in leading frontend development projects. Proficient in a diverse tech stack, including JavaScript, TypeScript, React, NextJS, Remix, and more, with a demonstrated commitment to code quality. Known for fostering collaborative environments by mentoring junior developers, contributing to open-source projects, and actively engaging in community-building efforts, such as writing insightful blog posts and delivering talks at conferences.

🇨🇿 Czech - native proficiency

🇬🇧 English - full professional proficiency

Work Experience

Team Lead @profiq

8/2023 - now

  • Led by example.
  • Made sure that the team delivered the best possible outcome to the customer.
  • Stayed in touch with the key stakeholders.
  • Planned and led bi-weekly standups.
  • Aligned on the short/mid/long-term plan with the stakeholders.
  • Promoted our work and the value we brought to the team.
  • Made sure that we communicated the status regularly and that we escalated quickly.
  • Chose the right tools for development, integration to CI/CD, and testing.
  • Helped new team members with ramp-up and becoming proactive.

Software Engineer @profiq

1/2021 - 7/2023

  • Worked on different project for our clients.
  • Mentored in the Student Pool program.

Senior Frontend Developer @IndyKite

1/2021 - now

  • Led the development of the admin console UI web application, ensuring successful implementation and deployment.
  • Built demo applications to effectively showcase the product to potential customers and business partners.
  • Contributed to the development of the web SDK, Node.js SDK, and Go SDK.
  • Improved code quality and optimized the frontend developer experience by implementing GitHub workflows and establishing essential tools such as linters, precommit hooks, and formatters.

Tech Stack: JavaScript, TypeScript, NextJS, React, Redux, Apollo GraphQL, Storybook, Tailwind, shadncn/ui, Radix UI, Jest, Vitest, React Testing Library, Cypress, Playwright, Docusaurus, Go, and GitHub Actions.

Full Stack Javascript Developer @Giide

1/2021 - 4/2021

  • Led development of the admin web application for the company product.
  • Migrated lambda functions from direct AWS deployment to a GitHub repository, improving code management and version control using the Serverless Framework.

Tech Stack: JavaScript, React, Redux, TypeScript, AWS, Serverless, DynamoDB, and GraphQL.

Full Stack Web Developer @D3Soft s.r.o.

9/2018 - 12/2020

  • Worked in a small team on a CRM system.
  • Delivered complete features, including SQL database, backend, and frontend.

Tech stack: C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, SQL


Content Coordinator & Copywriter @ČeskoDigital

6/2023 - 1/2024

Coordinated a team of volunteers to ensure timely content delivery. Wrote engaging posts on social media and Slack to promote webinars and share community updates.

Developer @ČeskoDigital

Contributed as a Frontend Developer on various projects:

  • | Next.js, Typescript | 4/2022 - 10/2023 - adding new features, redesign of the web, adding localization, fixing bugs
  • Jehlomat | React, Typescript | 3/2022 - 12-2022 - helping with development of new web, working on new features and fixing reported bugs

Coach @Czechitas

1/2019 - 10/2022

Helped as a coach at several offline workshops focused on web development, JavaScript and Python.

Coach @Geek Girls Carrot

10/2016 - 10/2017

Helped as a coach at various one day workshops related to web development.


VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava

Computer programming course | 2018

Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree Program

Udacity | receiver of Google Scholarship | 2018

Masaryk University Brno

Bachelor’s Degree | Management | 2008-2012